Teaching Children Effectively

Are you serious about reaching children?

Are you considering children’s ministry for
the first time?

Do you desire to teach children more effectively from God’s Word?

Then you need in-depth training.

About the Courses

Teaching Children Effectively (TCE™)

TCE is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelising and teaching children.

TCE 1 comprises three modules, is based on spiritual and educational principles and focuses on evangelism – teaching the Gospel to children.

This explains the methods and ways to lead children to Christ and equips the new believer to begin and sustain a ministry where he or she lives.

Student practicums are a vital part of the modules which makes TCE a refreshing way to train Christians in child evangelism.

TCE 2 comprises Modules 4 to 6 and focuses on spirtual growth inthe life of the Christian child.

You don’t have to complete TCE 1 before TCE 2.

You can do any number of modules, in any order, except that module 3 must be taken before module 6.

Check out the leaflet for more details and contact training@cefbritain.org

The current TCE1 Course is online

Workers in CEF Britain are teaching an online course commencing in October 2024. This will take place weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9.30pm.

You can register for one module at a time. 

Module 1 [4 weeks] – 1; 8; 15; 22 October 2024 

Module 2 [3 weeks] – 5; 12; 19 November 2024 

Module 3 [5 weeks] – 7; 14; 21; 28 January & 4 February 2025 

The course fees are £15.00 per module this is to cover the teaching resources and student packs. 

Please use this link to register: https://airtable.com/appsJPmNRH8QXd3DX/pagNtGPm3CQgQvtrO/form 

Closing date for registration is the 20th of September 2024 

The next TCE2 Course will be online

Workers in CEF Ireland are teaching an online course on Monday evenings from 7:30pm commencing on 29 January 2024.

For a registration form please email Angie McKee direct (contact details on the leaflet).

Information about further courses will be posted on this page.


My experience with TCE 1 has been exceeding every expectation. I truly had a life changing experience. I grew deeper in my relationship with the Lord. I am more passionate and my heart is burdened for the souls of these little ones. I would recommend the TCE 1 Course because the methodology that is used is truly effective in reaching children for the cause of Christ.


The TCE1 course has been a life changing experience for me. It shows you how to teach deep doctrines, like justification, in a very understandable way and how to be relevant in today’s society. If you are serious about sharing God’s gospel, you MUST do the TCE1 course!


Packed full of sound, theological teaching, the TCE1 course is an invaluable learning experience. It made me more intentional with teaching Bible stories, opening my eyes to new ways of effective evangelism.
