
We can only do our ministry with your help!


Child Evangelism Fellowship of Britain is a Bible-centred charity, supported by the generosity of God’s people. Our policy has always been to “ask God and tell His people”. CEF full-time workers in Britain and missionaries overseas live by faith: they are not guaranteed regular financial support, they trust the Lord to provide for them through the gifts of His people. We are very grateful if you would like to support our work financially, enabling us to reach many children with the Gospel. Our work is made possible through donations from individuals and churches.


You can make an online donation to CEF of Britain, by clicking on the “Donation form” button below.

This will reveal the donation form. From the drop down menu under “I’d like to make a donation to…” choose: “a CEF worker” and fill in the name of the CEF worker or “CEF Britain (General)” or “Other” and fill in the name of the CEF ministry (e.g. person or project). Your payment transaction will be safe and secure. Please note that any information submitted will not be used by CEF to contact you or given to third parties.

Donation form

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    • You must have or will pay income tax or capital gains tax, equal to the amount of all Gift Aid claimed on your donations to charities and CASC's in the current tax year (6 April-5 April).
    • We will claim back 25p for every £1 you give.
    • Other taxes such as Council tax or VAT do not qualify.
    • Please contact CEF of Britain if you wish to cancel or amend this declaration.

    Stay in touch with CEF Britain?

    Please note that any information submitted will not be used by CEF to contact you or given to third parties.


    Alternatively, you can send us a cheque.

    Please make your cheque payable to “Child Evangelism Fellowship” and send it to the following address:
    CEF of Britain, PO Box 9281, Poole BH14 4FS

    Please include your address, so we can acknowledge your gift. If you want your donation to be used in a specific way, please mention this as well.

    Regular gifts

    If you want to support the work of CEF or a specific CEF team member regularly, you can do so by Standing Order.
    A Standing Order enables you to send regular support without having to fill in a cheque every time. You can cancel a Standing Order at any time.

    Please download our Standing Order form and return the completed form to our National Office and after completing our details, we will forward it to your bank.

    Gift Aid

    With the Gift Aid Scheme, CEF can claim back from Inland Revenue 25p on every pound you donate to us from taxable income in the UK.

    You can designate your gift to anyone serving with CEF, to the CEF General Fund or to a CEF project.

    All you have to do is to download the form and if you fulfil the requirements, return the completed form to our National Office and your gift(s) will be worth 25% more! Please download the Gift Aid declaration form.


    If you would like to support our ministry with a legacy, please mention “Child Evangelism Fellowship, for the work in Britain” in your will. Please contact us when you require further details.