Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 19:14 (ESV)
“Come and tell Hanne what you have just done;” a 12-year-old girl encouraged a 5-year-old girl. “I have asked Jesus to be my friend and Savior, and the 12-year-old helped me to pray”: said the 5-year-old girl.
This episode with the two girls happened one Saturday in March, when I taught a group of children in three sessions at Cefn Lea Park. My main teaching was: Trust in the Lord Jesus to be your Savior and tell others about your faith.
I used the following three stories:
- Jesus making Peter a fisher of men,
- Jesus walking on water
- CEF’s missionary story about the boy Madugu from Liberia.
It is not always I can see the fruit of my teaching, but when it happens it is like everything fits together beautifully. The young girl gave her response to trusting in the Lord Jesus and the older girl shared her faith with the younger girl. Praise God!
Your local worker: Hanne Evans