On the 6th of April we ran a Messy church with Lego in East Birmingham organised by a few churches. There were in attendance 54 adults and around 30 children, each enjoying building the Lego, during the Bible Time the children were really participating in the program, listening so well as we unfolded the Easter Story. I must say that I was so impressed by how the children were eager to learn the Bible verse so well.
We choose to teach John 3:17.
“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” NKJV
This was encouraging to me and those that organised & helped.
A Vicar who was part of the event was interested in seeing if we could help them in reaching children more effectively. We will follow this up in the coming weeks. I am encouraged always to see the desire of people to reach children and I want to help them in doing that as much as I can.
In June we already have booked two other Events with Lego in Cheshire, I pray that churches in the area will see the great opportunity these kind of events offers, and we’ll find ways to do this more often.
Monica Nechita
CEF Worker – West Midlands (Birmingham)