
Child Evangelism Fellowship was introduced to Britain in 1947 through a missionary couple in Brazil whilst home on furlough in England. In the same year an American couple, child evangelists from Nebraska, also promoted the ministry, resulting in one person responding to go to the USA to complete the CEF leadership training course and return to England as a CEF representative. In Easter 1950 a pastor who had worked in the USA HQ of CEF began to promote and organize the work, beginning in Glasgow, then London and Cardiff. The president for CEF worldwide spoke at the annual Keswick conference in 1952 and from then the work gathered momentum.

God has brought many men and women into His service to reach boys, girls and young people with the Gospel through CEF. There are full time and part time workers in England, Scotland and Wales, and more hope to join us, so look at the map and see where your nearest worker is located, the area they cover and what they do.

If you would like to get in contact with them, then use the contact form and we will be in touch with more details.

Beach Mission

CEF workers have served with the Scripture Union to reach children with the gospel in Criccieth as part of the summer outreach ministry.

For more information, please visit the Criccieth Holiday Club website.

CEF Resources CEF Ireland

Contact the CEF Shop in Belfast to order your CEF materials by visiting our CEF Resources page.

Devon (Plymouth)

Alleyn Wilson has moved from Scotland with her husband Paul to Plymouth. She hopes to develop CEF ministry in this city as time allows. This is where Hanne Evans spent several years developing some CEF ministry, before moving to South Wales. Pray that Alleyn will be able to reconnect with the people with whom Hanne worked.

East London

You can find more information about the work by visiting our East London page.

East London (Loughton)

Christopher & Lynn Holt
(CEF Missionaries serving CEF Europe through the HQ in Switzerland)

They are Directors of Member Care throughout Europe.

National Office (Poole)

Primrose Tshawe
(Finance and Office Administrator)

She looks after the work in the National Office.

Scotland (Hamilton)

Russell Brooks
(CEF Missionaries were serving at the CEF Europe HQ in Switzerland)

He was the Director of Development for CEF Europe. Russell is now semi-retired and still working with CEF on a volunteer basis in Europe.

Scotland (Govanhill, Glasgow)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our Scotland (Central Belt) page.

Scotland (Lennoxtown)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our Scotland (Central Belt) page.

South Wales (Pembrokeshire)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our South Wales (Pembrokeshire) page.

South Wales (Bridgend)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our South Wales (Bridgend) page.

Teesside (Middlesbrough)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our Teesside (Middlesbrough) page.

South West London

You can find more information about the work please visit our South West London page


You can find more information about the work by visiting our Watford page.

West Midlands (Birmingham)

You can find more information about the work by visiting our West Midlands (Birmingham) page.

Sarah Olaleye (Reading)


Karuna Puli (Bournemouth)


David Cook


He has been involved in Christian ministry for 50 years. From 2005-2014 he and his wife Laraine led the “Prepared for Service” training course for FIEC churches. He has been an elder in his church in Bournemouth from 2011. He joined the CEF National Committee for Britain since 1999 and has been our chairman since 2008. In January 2015 he was elected as chairman of the CEF Kilchzimmer Board, which is now the CEF Europe Association. In September 2018 he was elected as a member of the International Board of Trustees at CEF HQ in Warrenton, Missouri representing the region of CEF Europe. David has retired from a career in secondary school teaching, latterly as a headteacher. He has five delightful and energetic grandchildren. David and his wife Laraine enjoy travelling on the ferry from Poole to Cherbourg in France. They frequently stay in the city of Bayeux in the Normandy region and appreciate the warm fellowship at the local Baptist church.

Philip & Denise Annett

They both trusted the Lord as children. He worked in banking and she was a Primary School teacher before they joined CEF as full time workers in 2001. They started as Local Workers before becoming assistant National Directors with CEF Ireland in 2007. In 2010 they became National Directors with CEF Ireland and led the ministry there for almost 6 years. At the start of 2016 they became Directors of Leadership and Ministry Development, working now on an International level. They are seeking to use their experience and gifts to help the National Committee develop the ministry further in Great Britain.

Louis Berkeley


It’s a real blessing to join the CEF Britain team as the treasurer of the national committee in January 2024. Louis grew up in a catholic family but never really understood who Jesus and was never taught as a child. Through God’s grace Louis became a Christian at university in Exeter through faithful friends at the CU. Louis started attending Belmont Chapel where he grew as a Christian through his time at university.

After graduating Louis moved from Exeter to Reading where he lives with his wife Gemma and both have joined Carey Baptist Church, a large bible teaching and evangelical fellowship. Gemma and Louis lead the Sunday School at Carey, when the gospel is shared with between 25 and 30 children each Sunday. These sessions involve a time of worship, teaching from the bible and activities such as memory verse and craft. Over the past year they’ve been praying for persecuted churches around the world, which has helped the children to consider brothers and sisters globally.

Louis works as a Chartered Accountant for a large a firm, specialising in the Life Science and Pharmaceutical industry. Louis loves to cook and spend time outdoors running, cycling and playing tennis.

Fiona Johnston

She was first involved with CEF work 40 years ago in Belfast. Subsequently, she has been involved in children’s and youth work in Northern Ireland, London, Philadelphia and now Cardiff in the various churches her husband, Mark, has served as minister. She is a full time carer for an adult disabled daughter and sometimes teaches French.

Christopher Holt


He has been linked with CEF in a voluntary capacity for more than 30 years and represents the East London Committee on the Board. Since September 2012 he and his wife Lynn are the Member Care Coordinators of CEF in Europe. He is a deacon at his home church where he is also involved in children’s work, currently as a Sunday School teacher.

William Randall

He was converted from a non-Christian home. He is married to Hazel and they have two sons. He has been in Christian work for over 25 years, and is currently the Pastor of Hainault Road Baptist Church in east London. He is involved in the local Street Pastors, and has a great interest in sharing his faith with children, young people and their families.

Alleyn Wilson

Alleyn Wilson has moved from Scotland with her husband Paul to Plymouth. She hopes to develop CEF ministry in this city as time allows. This is where Hanne Evans spent several years developing some CEF ministry, before moving to South Wales. Pray that Alleyn will be able to reconnect with the people with whom Hanne worked.

Tim Creighton

Andrew & Beulah McMullan

(South West Europe Area Directors)

Viv & Margaret Stringer

(CEF Missionaries serving CEF Europe at the HQ in Switzerland)

He is the Business & Finance Manager for CEF Europe.

Russell Brooks

(CEF Missionaries were serving at the CEF Europe HQ in Switzerland)

He was the Director of Development for CEF Europe. Russell is now semi-retired and still working with CEF on a volunteer basis in Europe.

Christopher & Lynn Holt

(CEF Missionaries serving CEF Europe through the HQ in Switzerland)

They are Directors of Member Care throughout Europe.

Eun Sook Geum

(Worker from South Korea)

Since 2003 I’ve been a missionary from South Korea to Britain. I have worked for a few years with the team in East London. A few years ago, I moved to south west London, where I established a new work through training, clubs and other outreaches. I’m now living in North London and exploring new opportunities for ministry.

Hannah Snodgrass

(Worker from USA)

I am excited to have moved from the USA as a CEF missionary to Scotland in the summer of 2018. I am located to the west of Edinburgh and Livingston. My vision is to see the local churches and believers equipped to reach their communities children with the Gospel, disciple them, and then establish them in the church body. My job is to partner with churches and believers in school’s ministries and outreach opportunities as well as providing resources and training. In a world that is increasingly more secular, where children are hardened to the good news of the Gospel at earlier ages than ever before, it is encouraging to join with believers and support churches in their work to reach the children in their communities with the gospel and to see the children who trust Jesus as their Saviour discipled in the faith. It is my desire to use what tools and experience the Lord has given me so that “the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born… that they should put their confidence in God.” (Psalm 78:6-8).

The full reports of CEF Britain in 2020, CEF Britain in 2021, CEF Britain in 2022 and CEF Britain in 2023 are available for download.

In addition, here is a commentary summarising the ministry of CEF Britain in 2020, Pressing on towards the Goal.

Children reached

People trained


Workers, missionaries & support team

The global impact of the breadth of CEF ministry is shown in the 2019 Summary Statistics, when more than 25 million children were reached. In the first year of the global pandemic the 2020 Summary Statistics show that the number of children reached was fewer that the previous year and this trend continued in the following year as the 2021 Summary Statistics show.

In the 2022 Summary Statistics we praise God that the downward trend was reversed with more than 19.5 million children being reached worldwide.

In the 2023 Summary Statistics, which will be fully available in May 2024, we praise God that more than 29 million children were reached worldwide.

We praise God that in 2021, in our region of Europe, for the first time we reached more than 1 million children. In 2022, with the aftermath of the global pandemic and the onset of the war in Ukraine, the number of children reached in Europe reduced to 983,333. However, we rejoice that in 2023, 1,371,305 children were reached with the gospel. In the same year almost 1.5 million pieces of literature were distributed and more than 850,000 children were reached through digital ministry.

Pray with us that God will lead us to reach more children in the years ahead.