Who we are
National Committee
CEF of Britain board of trustees
The trustees of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Britain form the National Committee, which currently has 7 members. The National Committee meets six times a year to discuss the vision and direction of CEF and to ensure that the affairs of CEF of Britain are conducted properly.

David Cook
He has been involved in Christian ministry for 50 years. From 2005-2014 he and his wife Laraine led the “Prepared for Service” training course for FIEC churches. He has been an elder in his church in Bournemouth from 2011. He joined the CEF National Committee for Britain since 1999 and has been our chairman since 2008. In January 2015 he was elected as chairman of the CEF Kilchzimmer Board, which is now the CEF Europe Association. In September 2018 he was elected as a member of the International Board of Trustees at CEF HQ in Warrenton, Missouri representing the region of CEF Europe. David has retired from a career in secondary school teaching, latterly as a headteacher. He has five delightful and energetic grandchildren. David and his wife Laraine enjoy travelling on the ferry from Poole to Cherbourg in France. They frequently stay in the city of Bayeux in the Normandy region and appreciate the warm fellowship at the local Baptist church.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan
(South West Europe Area Directors)

Alleyn Wilson
She has been involved with CEF in various capacities since 1978, including being a summer missionary, full-time worker and Good News Club teacher. She has pioneered a work in two schools in Livingston where she has organised a CEF outreach week during June and at the end of the summer term. She has now handed the responsibility for this schools’ work to Hannah Cashman because Alleyn has moved from Scotland to Plymouth. She is married to Paul, who served on the National Committee for several years.

William Randall
He was converted from a non-Christian home. He is married to Hazel and they have two sons. He has been in Christian work for over 25 years, and is currently the Pastor of Hainault Road Baptist Church in east London. He is involved in the local Street Pastors, and has a great interest in sharing his faith with children, young people and their families.

Paul Whalley
Paul was a student on the “Prepared for Service” training course for FIEC churches when National Chair David and Laraine Cook were administrators for it. He has been an elder in his church in Oadby for 18 years and a local preacher for over 30 years. He has taught Sunday School and Holiday Bible Clubs for over 30 years and recently completed TCE1 which has brought him into the orbit of CEF. He came to faith in his teenage years due to the devotion and prayers of a Godly mother and the energetic ministry of a young pastor and the great encouragement of a family church. Paul and his wife are adoptive parents and are strong advocates for adoption as the means by which Christians can give children a home for good, in echoing the wonderful adoption of Christians into God’s family. Paul has worked for a national children’s charity as a researcher, a City and a County Council, an anglican diocese and now a local charity working with care experienced young people.

Louis Berkeley
It’s a real blessing to join the CEF Britain team as the treasurer of the national committee in January 2024. Louis grew up in a catholic family but never really understood who Jesus and was never taught as a child. Through God’s grace Louis became a Christian at university in Exeter through faithful friends at the CU. Louis started attending Belmont Chapel where he grew as a Christian through his time at university.
After graduating Louis moved from Exeter to Reading where he lives with his wife Gemma and both have joined Carey Baptist Church, a large bible teaching and evangelical fellowship. Gemma and Louis lead the Sunday School at Carey, when the gospel is shared with between 25 and 30 children each Sunday. These sessions involve a time of worship, teaching from the bible and activities such as memory verse and craft. Over the past year they’ve been praying for persecuted churches around the world, which has helped the children to consider brothers and sisters globally.
Louis works as a Chartered Accountant for a large a firm, specialising in the Life Science and Pharmaceutical industry. Louis loves to cook and spend time outdoors running, cycling and playing tennis.

Chris Holt
He has been linked with CEF in a voluntary capacity for more than 30 years and represents the East London Committee on the Board. Since September 2012 he and his wife Lynn are the Member Care Coordinators of CEF in Europe. He is a deacon at his home church where he is also involved in children’s work, currently as a Sunday School teacher.

Fiona Johnston
She was first involved with CEF work 40 years ago in Belfast. Subsequently, she has been involved in children’s and youth work in Northern Ireland, London, Philadelphia, Cardiff and now in Armagh in the various churches her husband, Mark, has served as minister. Mark and Fiona moved back to Ireland in 2021, where Mark is now the pastor of Trinity Church, Richhill, the church which he had helped to plant. Fiona has been a part-time supply teacher and continues to be a full-time carer for their daughter, Lindsay.

Tim Creighton
CEF workers, volunteers and missionaries

Primrose Tshawe
(Finance Officer)
She started working in the National Office (Poole) in February 2018, having seen the hand of the Lord open the door for her to be in this position. She is thankful to be a worker in the Lord’s vineyard through the work CEF is doing in Britain and she looks forward to seeing the gospel spread into the hearts of boys and girls all over the world. She lives in the south of England with her husband Lee-Roy, their dear daughter and are expecting their second child early August. She gives all the glory to God for all he has done and will do through the work of CEF.

Steve & Rachel Ball
Steve and Rachel have been working with CEF for over 20 years.
Both run Good News Clubs, Summer BibleZone Clubs, Holiday Bible Clubs, BibleZone Build (using Lego), BibleZone Craft and BibleZone Games. Each of these clubs has the Bible Lesson at the centre and offer fun and engaging activities for children to enjoy.
Rachel runs Bibletime (CEF’s Bible Correspondence Course) and is involved in Toddler Groups. She writes a blog (lettheirlightshine.com) with ideas for Toddler Groups, Sunday School and families. Steve takes assemblies in local schools. He is Chair of Governors for a school in Newham. They both serve on the Sunday School team in their local church. From time to time they run Teacher Training Seminars for local churches in East London and they host the Equip Training Course.
You can find more information about their work by
visiting the East London page.

John & Martha Meagher
We praise God for leading John & Martha Meagher into service with Child Evangelism Fellowship in Britain. We believe that God will use their life and talents, dedicated to Him, for the blessing of many boys and girls. In February 2020, as further preparation for their future ministry with CEF Britain, John & Martha began a period of practical training to build on their CMLC training which was completed in 2013. Then came lockdown one month later and all their plans were effectively put on hold. They began to establish CEF ministry in Glasgow with a weekly online Good News Club. As we all cautiously emerge from lockdown, they are looking for more opportunities to reach boys and girls with the gospel in the months ahead.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Scotland (Central Belt) page

Megan Scott
(Candidate in Training)
We praise God for guiding Megan Stone, who was approved in February 2021, to be a candidate in training and serve with Child Evangelism Fellowship in Britain. We trust that God will use her life and talents, dedicated to Him, for the blessing of many boys and girls, especially in Wales.
Megan has taken part in several online CEF training courses. She is about to complete the online CMLC course. As preparation for her future ministry, once this training is completed, she will have a period of practical experience introducing her to the different areas of CEF ministry in Britain. In our country there are many children with no church connection who need the Gospel.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our South Wales (Haverfordwest) page.

Eun Sook Geum
She is from South Korea and has established a work in West London through training, clubs and other outreaches. This is now led by those whom Eun Sook has trained in CEF ministry. Please pray for God to raise up a co-worker for her with whom this ministry can be strengthened and built up.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our South West London page

Philip & Denise Annett
(Education Coordinators)
They both trusted the Lord as children. He worked in banking and she was a Primary School teacher before they joined CEF as full time workers in 2001. They started as Local Workers before becoming assistant National Directors with CEF Ireland in 2007. In 2010 they became National Directors with CEF Ireland and led the ministry there for almost 6 years. At the start of 2016 they became Directors of Leadership and Ministry Development, working now on an International level. From 2020 Philip and Denise have been leading the CEF Europe Leadership Development team. They are seeking to use their experience and gifts to help the National Committee develop the ministry further in Great Britain.

Alexandra Ronalds
(Office Administrator)
Alex grew up in a Christian home and came to faith as a child. Her husband, Mark, and Alex met in India, where they worked for many years as teachers and dorm parents at Hebron School. They recently moved back to England. Alex is so grateful to God for the opportunity to join CEF as office administrator. She started working in the National Office (Poole) in September 2024.

Simon & Hannah Snodgrass
Hannah arrived in Scotland in August 2018 and was initially based to the west of Edinburgh and Livingston. Her vision was to see the local churches and believers equipped to reach their communities children with the Gospel, disciple them, and then establish them in the church body. Her ministry work involved her partnering with churches and believers in school’s ministries and outreach opportunities as well as providing resources and training. In a world that is becoming increasingly more secular and children are hardened to the good news of the Gospel at earlier ages than ever before, it is encouraging to join with believers and support churches in their work to reach their communities children and see them discipled. It is Hannah’s desire to use what tools and experience the Lord has given to her so that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born… that they should put their confidence in God. (Psalm 78:6-8)
Hannah met Simon whilst they were both doing the Children’s Ministry Leadership Course in Ireland in the autumn of 2017 and 2018. Simon and Hannah were married in September 2019 and they are temporarily located in Northern Ireland while they complete training and raise support to return to Scotland full time. They are thankful that the training is complete and have greatly enjoyed our time with the local director in NW Ulster, Jennifer McNeil.
Their continuing prayer is for the Lord’s provision and an open door to return to Scotland early in 2021, which has been graciously answered as they moved to Scotland in June 2021. They are excited to begin their full-time ministry in the country to which God has called them both.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Scotland (Central Belt) page.

Priya LalBachan
(Candidate in Training)
In June 2020 Priya was prompted by God to consider serving with CEF Britain. In July 2020 she was interviewed and subsequently approved as a candidate in training and she has been helping with the children’s ministry in her local church, Garston Community Church in Watford. Priya was born in Trinidad. She had a visa extension until the end of August 2020, after which, due to the ongoing lockdown, she obtained assurance of her extended legal stay from the Home Office to remain until return flights are open. Flights to Trinidad and Tobago opened up allowing Priya to return to Trinidad on Christmas Eve. In 2021, Priya completed several CEF online training courses, including TCE 1, Equip and the first half of the CMLC, which was online from June to August. She plans to complete the CMLC in the Autumn of 2022 at the in-person course in Ireland. Having returned to Trinidad Priya is making contacts with people to present her vision for future CEF ministry in Britain. She is asking God and telling people so that she can raise her support and return to Britain, where she and her sister, Corinna have been invited to start a new CEF ministry in Newbury, Berkshire.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Newbury page.

Corinna LalBachan
(Candidate in Training)
When we prayed Luke 10:2, Corinna was one of the answer to that prayer from the Lord. In 2019 she came to England with plans to visit and return to Trinidad within six months. Due to the global pandemic her visa was extended. So, with a heavy heart, Corinna sought the Lord on His plans for her life. In June 2020, she got in contact with the CEF team in Britain and we prayerfully considered her application to work with us. Since then, Corinna has pursued the Equip Training Course, the Teaching Children Effectively 1 Course and the first half of the Children’s Ministry Leadership Course. This Trinidadian, has now been called by the Lord and approved to serve as a candidate in training with the CEF team in Britain. Corinna plans to complete the CMLC in the Autumn of 2022 at the in-person course in Ireland. Having been interviewed by the National Committee in December 2021, Corinna is approved as a candidate in training for CEF Britain. Flights to Trinidad and Tobago opened up allowing Corinna to return to Trinidad on Christmas Eve. Having returned to Trinidad Corinna is making contacts with people to present her vision for future CEF ministry in Britain. She is asking God and telling people so that she can raise her support and return to Britain, where she and her sister, Priya have been invited to start a new CEF ministry in Newbury, Berkshire.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Newbury page.

Tim Cook
(Website Manager)
Tim has been involved in CEF since 1997 when he served as a maintenance volunteer at Kilchzimmer, CEF’s Former European Headquarters for six months. He then returned to Kilchzimmer to complete the CMLC in Autumn 2001 and has continued to serve in children’s and youth ministry within the church that he is a member of in south Birmingham alongside his day to day work as a Junior School teacher. Tim is married to Siân and has three young children.

Claudine Uwizeye
For seven years, from 2013, she has developed and established a ministry with CEF reaching children in the Middlesbrough area through training, clubs and other outreaches. Claudine stepped back from full-time ministry in January 2021 to pursue a career in counselling. She continues to help with some CEF ministry informally and is currently on the training team for the online Summer CMLC in 2021.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Teesside (Middlesbrough) page.

Hanne Evans
(Former worker) Left active work with CEF Britain on 31/12/2019 and may be available as an occasional volunteer from 01/01/2020.
She is a fully qualified teacher from Denmark and since 2005 worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship in three different countries helping the local churches to reach out to the children in their community. She is a mum to three sons and a stepson and since 2016 a foster carer as well together with her husband Simon. Whilst living in Port Talbot Hanne led the work of CEF of South Wales until 31st December 2019. In 2020 Hanne and her family moved to Denmark, where they are happily settled.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our South Wales (Haverfordwest) page.

Alleyn Wilson
She strengthened a work in the Livingston area of Scotland, especially in schools. She has provided training and assisted in outreaches in other parts of Scotland on request, as time has allowed. She has recently moved to Plymouth. Hannah Cashman, a CEF Missionary from the USA, visited Alleyn in Scotland in 2016 to explore CEF ministry. Sensing God’s call to serve CEF in Scotland, Hannah returned in September 2018, fully supported to begin her fulltime ministry. In June 2021 Hannah, having married Simon Snodgrass in September 2019, moved with Simon to settle in Scotland and begin their ministry together with CEF. This has been a wonderful answer to prayer now that Hannah and Simon have taken on the baton of the existing schools’ ministry from Alleyn, and much more besides.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our Scotland (Livingston) page.

Monica Nechita
(Former worker) Left active work with CEF Britain early in 2021 having served with the team for the previous six years.
Monica moved in Birmingham with her family in 2014. She’s a mum to Andy, David, Emma and Jayden and wife to Adrian. She attended the Children’s Ministry Leadership Course in Kilchzimmer in 2015 and started her ministry with CEF in her area in 2016. The verse that God used to speak to her is found in Mark 16:15, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’ Monica’s vision is that every day in Birmingham, every nation (or nationality) and every child will have the opportunity to hear the Good News in children’s clubs, Sunday schools, toddlers’ groups, school assemblies and other outreach programmes.
Monica was on extended maternity leave until early 2021. She has been led by God to step back from CEF ministry and focus fully on her family. We are grateful for the foundations she has laid in Birmingham to reach children with the gospel and to train volunteers to teach children effectively. The CEF Good News Clubs which Monica founded are led by local churches.
You can find more information about the work by
visiting our West Midlands (Birmingham) page.
Four CEF missionaries from Britain are serving with CEF European Headquarters in Lischmatt 2, 4616 Kappel, Switzerland.

Russell & Elizabeth Brooks
(CEF Europe Director of Development)
They have retired from serving as missionaries with CEF of Europe in April 2019.
(Their role as directors of development for CEF Europe and Central Asia started just over 12 years ago and before that for the previous 5 years Russell served on the National Board for CEF of Britain. They first came into contact with CEF when their children were very small and started going to the Saturday super club in Glasgow about 30 years ago. That started a love to reach children and they became CEF volunteers and it all progressed from there on in. Russell skills as a master builder and later on as a computer programmer and technician have been very useful in all of the projects they have to handle in the various countries they have to visit. Russell serves on various boards in the countries in Europe mainly in an advisory role as they develop new projects. They praise the Lord for all His goodness to us especially all the travelling on a weekly basis.)
Russell is semi-retired and still working with CEF on a volunteer basis. Although Elizabeth passed into the presence of her Saviour recently, Russell is still involved in some European projects which are running in several countries for which he has promised the workers to see through to completion.

Chris & Lynn Holt
(CEF Europe Member Care)

Viv & Margaret Stringer
(CEF Europe Business Manager)
If you would like to contact a local area worker, please go to the Locations page. For more information on how to receive regularly the prayer/news letter of a team member, please go to the Prayer Partner page.